It's about time to share with you guys my favorite rides from Southern California. There were a few qualifications that needed to be met before I decided which cars deserved some recognition or already did, but worth another one. I can think of a few right now that are ridiculously gorgeous, but to me, it wasn't about what kind of parts a car had or which team it represented. My choices were based off on activeness, quality of the car, and attitude of the car owner. It might seem as if I'm going a bit overboard here, but I personally think that's what makes a car known and recognized by many enthusiasts. I'm not saying fully built show cars aren't worth a feature on Night Import or any blog/site. Of course those cars will be featured and get recognized, but the props really goes to the ones that actually bring out their show built cars to meets/shows to represent their team or just themselves. Please don't take this to heart to all of ya'll who own spectacular cars. I love em! which is why I'm going to write another article with cars I think are just way over the top!
Some of these rides you are about to see were seen numerous times on my blog, but if this is your first time visiting this page or haven't been updated with my articles and features, it will be worth your time and give you somewhat of an idea of what kind of cars I truly like. So, which cars did I choose? Let's get on to it. If you didn't click on the link provided on the fanpage, you'll have to click "Read More" at the lower right bottom to see the whole feature. I usually post a car photo as a cover, but because this post is somewhat special to me, I tried to keep that suspense and mystery for those who visit my site daily.
It's not been a year yet since I've known Charles, owner of this custom widebody s2000. Matter of fact, this was the first s2000 I shot and featured on my blog! I actually met Charles through our editor Edgar and although his first impression was that "don't touch me foo!" kind of look, after getting to know him, he knew what was up with the automotive scene and most importantly, his car. Charles had a track purpose built CRX, but wanting more power and handle like every car fanatic, he decided to upgrade to a S2000. You can read more about the S2000 through his feature here, but the reason why I chose his ride was because of seeing it often at car shows and meets and it's the only 'custom' widebody S2000 in SoCal. Charles does not daily drive his ride, but he brings it out as much as possible, to the point where people actually think he daily drives it. Magazine companies! This car is worth a feature!
Next car I chose was this infamous Do-Luck widebody Evo 9, owned and driven by Kelvin Hsiu. It's the only full Do-Luck Evo you'll see in California. Matter of fact, there are only a handful of people in the US who has this kit on their Evo. Kelvin did not build this car from scratch, but became the 2nd owner after the kit was on. What makes this car so special though, is its engine bay and interior with rare and quality parts that were added after Kelvin bought the car. Same as Charles, Kelvin does not daily drive his car, but brings it out at almost every meet and car show.
My boy Jose! I call him EuroTuner star after he got featured in EuroTuner, but I'm sure many of you guys recognize this Audi Wagon. Jose is one of the most active enthusiasts because not only is it a show car, but daily driven! Jose's Audi won numerous awards and most of them were 1st places, such as 1st place other, 1st place Euro, etc. If you want to see his full feature on EuroTuner, here is the link.
MISHA widebody SL55 AMG from Heavy Hitters is the first exotic car I thought of when I writing this article. I personally do not know the owner, but I've seen this car at so many events. She (owner) is indeed active in the scene and if I'm not mistaken, this beauty is daily driven.
Without any doubt, Armand's widebody MR2 makes it into my list of SoCal's finest rides. I remember when Armand came up to me one day complimenting about my photos of his car and the blog. From then on, we've been seeing each other at almost every meet and event I've been to since last year. This MR2 is one of a kind here in the states because of its spectacular wheel choice and the unique wing. There's a story behind the wing, so check out his feature on StanceWorks.
I'm sure you expected to see Matthew's S13 vert. in this article because every time I take a photo of his car and put it in my coverage, I always say "My favorite S13 vert". Matthew daily drives his slammed ride as well as drifts it when the opportunity comes by. The vert. is beat up in certain areas, but those marks give the car a strong impression. He recently changed his wheel setup, and I dig it like crazy!
Just because Edgar's our editor does not mean I'll ignore his ride. Edgar has been very active at car shows and meets since I met him last year. In the Infiniti scene, there are way too many sick builds and I have to say Edgar's G35 is rad enough to be placed with the tops. He daily drives his car and showcases it as well. If you look through the mini SSR wheel brochure, you'll find his ride.
Big Mike's Prelude is definitely one of the best in its class. The motor work is exceptional, proper stance, wheels that go along with the body, and much more. I don't even clearly remember how and when I met Big Mike, but this guy is humble to the max and always has a positive attitude.
Lastly, I choose Ojay's LS from BP VIP. The first time I saw his car was at OC's Food Truck Meet at Westminister during January of this year. Since then, I've encountered Ojay's ride at almost every meet and event I can think of. Why I like this car so much is because of its overall different style.
I know there are a few more rides that are worth mentioning, but these specific cars popped into my head once I wrote this article. SoCal's Finest Rides #2 will be the cars that I personally think are outrageous! Stay tuned!
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