Night Import: Photography by
All That Low (
Charles Zee Zayas) | Words by
William Lee
Hello everyone! Ok..I don't want to act like this is my first blog post.. WSUP GUYS!!!! Long time no see. I actually forgot to add coverage on an event in Japan that happened few months ago, so I'll postpone that one and start with a fresh one, actually, a first blog post for the year of 2014. I'm pretty sure many of you guys were looking forward to see NI's coverage on Tokyo Auto Salon, because we had a good amount of comments and feedback for our 2012 Tokyo Auto Salon coverage.
Like usual, our boy Charles in Japan participated at this year's TAS and he had a lot to say about it. According to Charles, the cars were phenomenal and the people were really awesome, other than what he had to say about the waiting in line haha. You guys will see what he had to say about the event in a bit, but before that, I want to share my thoughts about this year's TAS, even though I did not have the time to attend.
I've been keeping myself updated with almost every event that happens around the world. I can't say which event was the best because every event had its own taste of cars. Today's post is about TAS, so let's talk about that. Here in the States, the FRS and BRZ were the cars that got the most attention. It was the same in Japan, but a lot more kits and other parts were introduced for the Toyota 86 as well as for other make/models. If you guys know of SEMA, you can think of TAS being the Japan version of SEMA. It's all about modified cars and newly introduced car parts, such as wheels, coilovers, body kits, etc. being displayed for those who attend the event. I'm not only talking about FRSs and BRZs, but other JDM cars and even European cars that are also introduced/showcased with new parts. In a company's perspectives, they attend TAS to stock up JDM parts or make contracts with widely known companies such as Top Secret, Varis, Amuse, etc., but for bloggers like us, we capture the details of almost every modified cars that is in attendance. Here is what Charles had to say about the event. After you guys read it, we will start with the coverage.
By the way, we are going to do something different compared to all the other blogs that did a coverage on TAS 2014. Today, we will show you guys most of the spotted White cars by Charles.
2014 is here and I want to thank Night Import for one, bringing me up in this game, and two, for allowing me the opportunity to show my content here. Friday morning, I woke up at 6am to catch a bus from Yokohama Station to head to TAS Press DAY. Upon arrival, I was highly disappointed as it seemed they let every nut in the place who said they were "PRESS". I'm not special or anything but trying to provide you guys through Night Import is special enough for me. But the old weirdo's with video cameras and huge DSLR's pointed directly into the model faces and trying to get up-skirt photos is just not what press day is for me. But I hear there is a market to push photos like that. I myself don’t have the time and patience to sit there and battle for lead position to take a photo of a chick I don’t even know. Haha.
However, the event itself was actually not bad. This year, I had a plan set out in the AM, but with the amount of people allowed in before the Public opening at 1pm I was limited to what I can shoot. I know I spread the word of Night Import and my own blog Allthatlow so I hope to do some shop visits and more event coverage. I appreciate everyone's support with both of our blogs. Please follow us for more content from across that big ocean. Japan. I'm out -Zee-