Being in the scene for more than 2 years now, I have encountered numerous "types" of cars; from track to fitted, almost everything in the scene today. Of course I appreciate every type ...except ones that have fake intercoolers and fake blow-off valves that make your car look like piece of shit :) One style I really loved from the beginning was VIP style cars. Many might think VIP cars are all about slamming them to the ground with extreme fitment, but let me tell you, there is much more to it.
The debate about VIP style has been going on forever. Personally, I don't think there is an exact definition of VIP style. If there was a standard for what a VIP style car should be, then I'm pretty dam sure almost every car out there that fixes up their car in a VIP style way would be all the same. I personally think the "details" make up a VIP style car.
Well today, this coverage post is not to discuss about what is VIP style or not, but to show you guys how strong the VIP community is in Japan by posting up a coverage of one of the biggest VIP car shows called Sessions Platinum VIP, a show that is hosted by a VIP shop called Sessions. Like always, the show was held at Fuji Speedway. You will encounter numerous cars here and will realize the people in this show have a passion for VIP style cars. I have looked through the pictures Charles sent me last week and was shocked to see some of these cars going over the limit of fitment and the details that were put into it.