Night-Import: Photography and Words by
William Lee

First of all, congratulations to Tony and all the staffs from
It's JDM yO! on a successful meet last Saturday and making it through that 1 year of activeness, keeping all the automotive enthusiasts entertained with various content. Did that sound too formal? ... blah~ Tony! Congratz yO!!!!!!!
I don't even remember when I first saw Tony, but for sure he was wearing an 'It's JDM yO!' printed t-shirt. You guys have probably seen the t-shirt as well because the huge letters are printed all around the shirt and missing it means it's time for you to take an eye examination.
To be honest, I'm not a really close friend of Tony's. When we do see each other, it's just a "wsup yO!", "how've you been?", "Keep it up!" sort of relationship, but from the first day of seeing this guy till today, he's been working continuously with his site. It's not only automotive events he covers, but also models! Yeap, you heard me right, MODELS! Tony knows the hottest Import models and seeing a few of them at It's JDM yO!'s booth is not a surprise anymore.
The title of the meet might sound as if Tony started his interest in cars last year, but he's been consistently building up relationships with tons of people even before he launched It's JDM yO!. That's why if you are a fan of their site on facebook, you probably saw Super Street, Canibeat, Import Tuner, and various well-known blogs/magazines promoting this meet.
Let's just say It's JDM yO!'s meet was one of my best attended meets of this year!