Night Import: Photography by
William Lee | Words by
William Lee
Hello everyone! It's been about 9 years? I've been pretty busy with my life and didn't have any time to go out to a car show, meet, or whatever you want to call it these days, for quite a long time now. I apologize to my blog fans and promise that I'll try to get back in the car scene. But before that, let me share a coverage that's not so much relevant to the car scene, so it's up to you to ignore this coverage or just read/look it through :)
I covered Anime Expo back in 2012 and 2013 and had the opportunity to attend this year's event with few of my friends. I was and still am a huge fan of Anime, so I was pretty dam excited to attend this one after so many years of just reading coverages of the event. From what I remember, the amount of people attending the event back in 2012 and 2013 were far less than this year's event. Lines were shorter, prices were cheaper, I actually had space to walk around inside the event hall, and they used two halls for the event. 10 years have passed and I was flabbergasted by the amount of people inside and outside of the convention center and the overall size of the event. Let's get into the coverage, but before that, I want to apologize first for taking shitty photos. The focus, exposure, etc. were so off. I haven't touched a DSLR for years so please understand. Thanks to Andy for letting me borrow his 5D Mark III and 24-70 lens!