I'm finally back with an actual car show coverage! There are two car shows that I know of that cater to upcoming/future cars and current/new cars from many car companies that happen in SoCal and it's OC Auto Show and LA Auto Show. I had the opportunity to attend OC Auto Show with my friends this year and let's just say it was a breath of fresh air to see a bunch of cars in one place. They had areas to test-ride certain cars and many small events were held inside the convention center. You can tell this year's event was mostly focused on EV cars, because you know... EVs are the shiet! Jokes aside though, people are choosing EV cars due to environmental issues, but mostly because of rising gas prices and I'm with them on that one. I'm going to separate the coverage into two parts because of the amount of photos I took, so let's get on with part 1. Also, please note that I had a difficult time taking a car photo in whole because of people being around a car almost every second, so please understand.