Few weeks ago, our photographer Charles in Japan had to make a trip and upon his arrival at Tokyo Haneda Airport, he decided to drop by the infamous car meet spot in Japan, Daikoku Futo. If you are into JDM cars and know how things are ran over there, I'm sure Daikoku Futo is one of the spots you plan on dropping by if you go to Japan. There will always be some nicely modded cars, and Charles did spot a few, which is why he decided to share some photo with us today.
Itasha is a common modification style in Japan. We don't see this happening in the States, but hopefully Anime Expo decides to recruit some cars for next year's show.
It's true when people say, "We follow them, and they follow us." There are tons of Lowriders and DUB cars in Japan.
We call it JDM, they call it USDM. This flushed Acura on Work Meisters resembles a lot of Acuras in the US stance scene.
The legendary, or should I say the legend of the legends, Hakosuka!
Age really doesn't matter when it comes to a classic car. When girls want to have the newest products, we guys in the car scene want the old classics.
Driving this beauty and listening to its sound early in the morning or late at night would be a thrilling experience.
It seems like Charles arrived pretty late when he did this small coverage, but I always appreciate his contribution and love he has for my blog. Thanks buddy!
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