Continuing on from where we left off, Part 3 will include photos by our photographer Jay Ebue with my own, so this will be a pretty good one (^_^)v
Having to shoot more than 500 cars and random moments at Wekfest, rather than being bored and talking throughout the whole event, I actually had a good time because of the proportion of new cars I've never seen before. You'll be seeing some new ones in this coverage and I'm sure your time will be well spent looking through our photos.
FJ Cruiser on Gram Lights from Team Praxis.
One of the two tCs that got accepted to Wekfest.
Keith's hellaflush Accord.
Team Praxis! Make sure to come out to their first meet with VIP Modular Wheels on June 26th!
Personally one of my favorites out of all cars in my list.
Love this widebody Evo 10 from High-End.
Nicely done Civic Si.
Carbon Fiber madness.
Not so many VWs because of Wuste 2011 happening on the same day at Las Vegas.
If I remember correctly, I think this G got first place.
Jesse and his S14.
A car I missed, but luckily, Jay captured this classic Datsun. Love it!
Sitting low on VIP Modular Wheels.
Interesting! Custom paint.
I heart concave TE37s.
Very clean!
One of these cars got a Best Stance award.
Crew Royal Flush.
Fortune NSX! This was my first time ever seeing one with this body kit.
Marcus's G, also repping RAREJDM.
Team Shyne.
Crooks and Castle's BMW Wagon.
Rumors say all of these cars belonged to the owner of ProMax. If so...I envy you!
(ㅜㅜ) so jealous...
Sexy Porsches.
By far the sexiest Junction Produce LS.
and the sexiest Domestic.
Part IV will be our final Wekfest coverage and it will cover the main entrance area! Bye Bye~
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