What a long weekend! I would say out of all the events I've been to this year, yesterday's Wekfest Los Angeles was probably one of the most tiring but convivial events. Those who live out of California might be clueless on why people get hyped up when this event comes around and you'll find the answer within this coverage, but to summarize it in a simple and straight-forward way, cars you don't see at meets or sometimes major events come to Wekfest. I don't know the actual history of it, but I do know it's an event created by an aftermarket sales store in NorCal called Weksos.
Now another question might be floating in your heads after realizing Wekfest did happen this year at NorCal. Well Weksos decided to collaborate with Fatlace after the NorCal Wekfest to do another show, but this time, in SoCal.
I was bummed missing out on the NorCal one, but luckily, we were able to share DJ Murdok's Wekfest coverage on our site. After hearing Weksos opening up a show in SoCal, I cleared out all my schedules and other 'planned-to-attend' meets and events just to attend SoCal's Wekfest and let's just say it was definitely worth it.
I woke up around 5am and headed to our Editor's house, Edgar Lozoya, to meet up with a few friends to roll together.
There's Edgar passing by the Do-Luck Widebody Evo we featured.
It was my first time officially taking rolling-shots! So much better than taking shots while driving.
Justin Fong's widebody Civic.
Justin's Civic and Kelvin's Evo.
Jason Wong's Takata Green S14.
We arrived around 8:30am and there was a decent line going on already.
Oscar rolling in with a few VIP guys.
Waiting for the rest of the crew.
Spotted Henry's Evo. You won't be seeing his ride for awhile now because he has some huge plans with his car.
Never seen this Civic before, but it was sounding and looking sexy.
Kelvin talking with Sherry.
Few minutes later, roll-in time! All of the show cars were required to enter from the back entrance.
O sh*t! Don't know why, but seeing cops makes me nervous.
Gooooood weather! I was a bit concerned after hearing a percentage of rain, but the day was shiny and cool.
1up crew deciding how to park their cars. Why the name 1up? According to Peter, boyfriend of the LS1 S14 owner, the Mario game! Yea, I know it's random, but sounds pretty awesome.
Kelvin deciding what to do. Love this shot.
Cars were rolling in until 11:30am.
Just a heads up, the photos I took of cars in the morning will be covered on OpenClutch. The weather was perfect during that time and not a lot of people were walking around, so the better photos goes to my supporting site. Make sure to check them out later on.
Walked to the front entrance to see what cars came in and I spotted Oscar doing the Dougie dance. I'm just playing Oscar, don't kill me.
I think Sherry took this photo, but there's me, the Asian dude, talking to Henry about something. More photos from this showcase lot later on.
Spotted Ted prepping his EK.
Domo: "Want William to shut up and post up pics of the show cars?"
Starting it off with a classic Celica running on a F20 motor.
Mazda Rx-4 with a 1JZ. Took Best of Show! (Thanks Alex! WheelFlip!)
Jealousy kicking in...
Love this beauty..
I can't recall seeing these cars at Bimmerfest, so I took awhile walking around this section checking them out.
Great looking Lexus, great background.
I've already seen these cars at Toyotafest (TORC), but they still looked new.
James Nguyen's 2JZ SC.
Nothing really new in this area, but cars you don't get tired of seeing.
I didn't even walk 10% of the whole lot and got tired already...fml
Always been a fan of this Integra.
I remember seeing this EG at AutoCon last year.
Most of these rides were on The Chronicles, but I rarely took a close look at them. Quality cars for sure.
The wheels and body paint color blended so well.
Noel's Corolla~! Stop hating me!
This coupe got featured on Fatlace a few weeks ago.
Congratz on the win!
One of the cars I see changing pretty often is this TSX. It's now on Volk RE30s.
S2000 on Mugen M7s. Not a common setup.
Looks familiar? Last time it was on Volk ce28ns and now on Volk TE37s.
Woot! My favorite Sti!
So many S2000s but most of them were such a win.
Especially this one on TE37s, widebody, etc.
Joey's Q from The Chronicles.
Ending Part 1 with Mikey's xB on newly done CCWs.
Be right back!
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