Modified Nationals is the largest indoor and outdoor car show, but along with what goes on that's automotive related, this event has tons of side events and most importantly, models showing off their skills in... well you'll see what I mean if you read through our final coverage today. Looking through the photos our photographer and Fast-N-Modded staff Rich McKee took at this event showed the hype and excitement a show can have.
Continuing on from where we left off, our last coverage on Modified Nationals will cover the outdoor car show area and side events.
A few rolling shots I forgot to share in Part 1.
The outer area was mostly filled with teams and booths by sponsors with project cars.
I'm seeing a lot of these shaved Euros and seems like it's one of those big trends in the UK.
One thing for sure though, is that most of these cars were flawless.
S15 in front of TSW's booth.
If you are a fan of Le Mans, you should know about this beauty, SR9.
I sense a Tiffany theme.
Red on Red with nice fitment.
Euros sitting pretty.
Drifting machine zip-tied up!
Models posing.
You'll always encounter something like this happening.
Anyone down for some Marshmallows?
Now I'm not really judgmental when it comes to fashion, but this is too extreme.
Thought it was a Juke for a second.
Forget Wine. Be classy with a bottle of NOS.
Guy moments.
Loving S15s.
Bikes to cars, Modified Nationals had it all.
Especially tons of models shaking their a$$.
Air'd up!
Now here's something you don't see happening in the US. Even if you do, not as wild as what you're about to see.
Can I get a car wash?
Sure~ Why not.
Extra service.
and we got another girl joining.
Can't go wrong with 2 girls washing your car.
Singers at the event.
Seems a bit dead...
Another singer on stage and it's Katie Waissel from the X-factor.
Put your hands up!!!
and some were just not too excited..
If outside stage seemed pretty dead, the indoor event was going pretty well.
or...maybe not?
That's more like it.
Let me take that back...
Awards and some winners.
Have to end the night with some loud music.
Great coverage by Rich and thanks to Fast-N-Modded for supporting us like always.
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