This was my first time ever going to Anime Expo and for some reason, I enjoyed every single minute of it, which is why I decided to continue on with the event coverage. Today was actually the 4th and last day of Anime Expo, so I headed down there and met up with a good friend of mine, David Izrailov, to focus on some parts of the event we couldn't cover yesterday. I was expecting a less crowded day, but surprisingly, it was as packed as yesterday, but we managed to walk around the exhibition hall and cosplay area taking shots here and there.
It was my third day at Anime Expo and I had to buy something! Most of the products were seriously overpriced, but I managed to get some Naruto Key Chains at the end of the day. By the way, this coverage will include the third and fourth day of Anime Expo.
People staying in line to get an autograph by the Voice actor of Full Metal Alchemist.
Awesome Domo figures.
That ain't good...
A famous cartoon back in the days when I used to live in Korea.
Anime Key Chains~
Go ahead and hate if you want, but Naruto ftw!
These Dragbonball figures are no joke.
I call this the 'G' Kirby.
Angry Birds and Domos unite.
Props to this guy with this costume.
Make a wish.
Probably the only guy who attempted to make Domo. Not close, but still high five.
The girl at the left didn't fit in with the Bleach characters. Where is Inuoue?
Prom night.
There's David checking out his photos.
These cosplay people were in the right spot for perfect lighting.
Just a random snap of Los Angeles.
Funny seeing these guys dancing with Korean music.
Naruto clan.
There's David again playing Initial D.
Back to South Hall, spotted the Bleach cosplay crowd.
No idea who they were trying to be.
Something wrong with this photo? Look at the person behind the
Jack Sparrow getting harassed.
Randomly came across these girls.
Another Hatsune Miku cosplay model in front of Toyotas booth.
I'm sure she was aiming for a guy at the balcony.
The closest cosplay character to the original. He sounded and acted the same as Jack Sparrow.
Continuing on with today's coverage (Day 4).
Look who David and I spotted today. I'm not sure if they were covering for It's JDM yO! but it's always good to see a site that we know popping up out of nowhere.
I think she's pretty famous in the cosplay scene. Hot.
I thought Wolverine was made in the US.
Weeeeee~~~~~ BOOM!!!!
Loving the Gundam characters.
Portgas D. Ace.
Outside to the cosplay area and saw this group. I thought he was a she for 0.01 seconds.
David Izrailov.
Same Hatsune Miku cosplay models during Day 2.
What the......huh?
Ever seen a Gameboy going up an escalator?
Cloud again from FFVII.
Byakuya Kuchiki and Ichigo.
No idea.
Right when I was about to leave, saw a group of photographers taking photos of this group. Girl at the right looked very familiar...
and I realized it was our supporting model Eva Skye.
Very awesome costume.
That's about it! Hope you guys enjoyed our random coverage. Have a good week guys and Happy 4th of July.
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