Hope everyone had a great week. I'm finally back with Part 2 of my Anime Expo coverage, so let me share a few photos from the 3rd and 4th day of the event. A lot of the places my friends and I covered were the areas we couldn't really explore on the first day due to the crowd. There were a lot of people on the 3rd and 4th day, but we at least had some space to take a few photos here and there. Here is the West Hall of the convention center where a few Itashas were displayed.

Here's the new Z with the Akatsuki look. Gotta love Naruto.

Hatsune Miku

A few more cars on display. I remember back in 2013 when I covered AX, there were like....3 or 4 cars here and there, so this is an improvement! I hope more cars are on display next year :)

So from now on, nothing is going to be in order, because I forgot where I was on what day and time. This is back in South Hall where tons of people gathered to show their cosplay. Here is a group of Bleach cosplayers partying. Loved the fact that this guy brought his DJ equipments to party it up.

Dance competition! Lego!

A lot of Demon Slayer fans.

I have to stop buying figures....make sure to save up your money if you plan on going to AX next year.

You guys enjoying JJK Season 2?

Waiting for My Hero Academia Season 6!

Here are my friends taking a photo with Sword Art Online cosplayers.

Just a random photo of South Hall.

This is the area going down to the Artist area. We weren't allowed to take any photos there, so that was a bummer. Make sure to visit this area next year, because these artists are exceptionally talented.

Another dance battle going on.

Spider-Man (Miles Morales) and ... Spider-Rex!


Take my money!!

Anyone know the name of the cat?

I should've asked this person.

Yuji Itadori and my boy Andy.

This figure was awesome!


Team Rocket. I think these guys were the same people I bumped into at Anime Impulse. By the way, Anime Impulse coverage coming soon!

Very cool cosplay of Cloud and Tifa.

Deflated Pikachu....to..

Inflated Pikachu!

My friend Sean taking some photos with cosplayers.

Baby Shark~~ du du dududududu~~

I want this!!!

Found Miles Morales again at a perfect spot. Thanks for the pose!

That's it for Anime Expo 2023 coverage. Thanks for checking it out and I hope I can visit AX again in 2024. Next coverage will be on Anime Impulse. See you guys then!
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