Night Import: Photography by
Charles Zee Zayas | Words by
William Lee

There were a lot of photos Charles sent through e-mail throughout this week and I finally had time to organize and edit them for 2 separate coverages. Obviously, one was the one I posted up last week, which was the 1JZ meet at Fuji Speedway, and the other being the R's meet (will be posted up this week). Today, I'll be continuing from where we left off with our Part 1 coverage of the 1JZ meet, so you'll be seeing more show cars and drifting. Charles did a great job trying to cover the entire event. If you guys have some time, drop by his
fanpage and give him a shout out!

I'm not sure with the amount of spectators that come to this show every year, but no matter what car show/meet you go to in Japan, you'll see a decent crowd. Not to the point where you're jammed between two people throughout the entire event.

Blue and White combo couldn't look any better.

How about this clean looking and well fitted JZX.

That lowness...

I don't know about you guys, but the Pink body color goes so well with this chassis.


More cars coming through.
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Just the site of one gives me the chills.

Ready to get off the car and spectate.

Perfect car to observe first.

Let the drifting begin.

Really loving this shot.


Outside of the track, one car I favored the most out of all the cars Charles captured through his lens, was this Toyota Mark X. The fitment and body shape looks gorgeous.

More cars in the showcase lot.

Looking like a badass.

Some of the participants getting ready to enter the track.

A good crowd.

I want to go to Japan... ㅠㅠ

Now that's a catchy color.

Definitely in love.


That infamous JZX I showed you guys in Part 1.

Even the security guard loved how it looked.

That rear camber.

Boss intercooler.

White cars for the win.

So f'in clean.

S13 chilling at the side.

Tons of JZXs at this show.

Going wide.

Few more rides to end this coverage. I really suck at writing things, especially on an event that I actually didn't attend, so please understand the shortness and not well-written coverage. Let's just say, today's coverage was all about the photos. Hope everyone enjoyed! Next coverage will be on the R's meet. Peace!
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