Night Import: Photography by
Charles Zee Zayas | Words by
William Lee
Like many say, better late than never..right? It's been about a month since Japan had its infamous meet...a meet that's known by many enthusiasts around the world. If you are a Skyline fan like myself, then it isn't optional, but mandatory for you to look through other blogs for a coverage on the
R's Meeting or even better, checking it out on Night Import. I believe this is our second time covering this event thanks to our contributor Charles in Japan.
Many of you guys know how Japan hosts numerous car shows/events, probably even more than here in the States, and one
event you just need to attend if you plan on going to Japan in September, is this one. Yea yea~ I know things can be seen online these days, but actually attending one is obviously different and an experience that cannot be forgotten.
If you know me well, my dream car is a Skyline BNR34. I made a separate post about this, just to share some of my knowledge about cars that I really want to get. So imagine how badly I want to go to Japan and just see Skylines haha. Anyways I'll stop with the talk and take you guys on a tour to the R's meeting.

From Hakosukas to R35s, every line in the Skyline family can be seen at this event.

Bunch of R32s parked separately.

While some of the cars were parked to show, others were on the track.

Ahhhh~~~ what a scene!

A set of Volk TE37s completing the look on this R33.

R-Line R33 on what looks like BBSs.

Now to the area where all the vendors were.

Yeap~ One of my favorite aftermarket companies in Japan, Mine's had their R35 and R34 on display. Charles actually featured a R33 from this company for our blog. I'll try to find that link later for you guys.

Ah yes. HKS.

Seems like the D'station ADVAN GT-R R35 that participated in the SUPER GT GT500 Class, driven by Bjorn Wirdheim and Hironobu Yasuda.

One of the R34s that's getting ready to go on the track.

In Red please.


RBs for the win!?

Line of GT-Rs under Saurus and C-west.

Definitely built to race or should I dominate

Fuck yea. Can't go wrong with White on White.

Mmm! Esprit's R35.

I spot a R34 on BBS LMs

Always loved the BBKs by Endless. Look at the one on this R35. Seems like the forged monoblock BBK.

Yeeerrrow~~~~ R34 on Volk TE37SLs.

My first time hearing about this aftermarket company called Cockpit.Going to take a look at them once I finish writing this coverage.



Help me lawrd.... Top Secret. End of the story.

A look at that Red R34 again.

Whoever this car belongs to is teaching their son/daughter correctly. Look at the seat in the middle.

Very nice view. Good job Charles!

Charles needs to eat too right?

I don't know why...but why does every food I see through pictures in Japan, look better than the ones I can actually taste and see in person here in the States.

Just because it's a meet for GT-Rs doesn't mean you'll only spot GT-Rs. Here's one gorgeous looking S15.

Well hello family~

Loving the track stance.

Hakosuka on Watanabes.

For a second, I thought that kid was the driver lol

Don't you just love gloomy weathers.


I like what I'm seeing.

Bunch of R32s. One that stands out is the Purple R32 from Veilside.

Not so common to see Panasport G7s on a Skyline.

From a distance...


Perfect...just perfect....

Midnight Purple for the win.

R34s in different colors.


Hello to you sir!

Representing Bulletproof Illuminati. Our good friends from Bulletproof did attend this event and according to Ben, he had a blast.

I like this picture. Why? I don't know.

Absolutely stunning.

No offense, but even more stunning, the Hosaka Tuning Factory R35.

Some cars leaving.

You forgot to close the trunk sir!

The beautiful rear-end of a R35.

How I want my R34 to look like once I get one.

One going that way, the other coming this way.

Father and son time.

Do I see some LIP?

I didn't take you guys to the track, so let's take a look at the cars.

Ou~! an Itasha Supra.

Back to back. Which one would you choose?


Well that's about it guys. I would've written more if I was at the event, but hope you guys enjoyed this coverage. Have a good one and see you guys soon!
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