The weather is pretty warm, people are starting to move, and the cars that were hibernating for few months are finally coming out. Here is SoCal, car shows and meets are nonstop, so there really isn't a resting period unlike other countries where it snows and rains as if the earth is about to end. But in the UK, the enthusiasts really doesn't give a shit about the weather because from the coverages I've been seeing through our contributor Rich McKee, it's been pretty cracking almost every month. Not so long ago, a very well known event called MFN was held, an event that started with mostly bikers and gradually reached out to car enthusiasts. Let's check out the coverage provided by Rich!
It's always a plus when an event is held during a sunny day.
Holy pokes!
Doesn't look too bad when it's rolling.
Ou~ Seems like this event had a side activity to ride the air balloon. It reminds me of AutoCon~!
Wait a sec....
Our boy Rich's S2000 at the right.
A bit more drop on this Miata and I say WIN!
Ah~ Can't go wrong with BBS RSs on a BMW.
Seriously loving Beetles these days.
Now that's pretty hot.
How can you not like this? Now before you hate, I heard it's a common thing for Euro car owners to put on parts from different Euro cars. Depending on the setup, I personally think if it's done right, you can't go wrong with it.
Seems like Rota wheels, which I dislike, but the fitment seems nice on this STi. I know most of the peepz here in the states, like myself, hate Rotas, but in the UK and other countries, the company has sort of a good reputation.
What do you know about a polished engine bay?
Haven't seen this VW model on BBS LMs before. Sweet!
Now that's clean.
Still a Supra :)
I'll take one any day. Seriously...
Mmm~ Nice capture Rich!
Ah~! We actually featured this S14 last year when it was Green. I think it's still the main promoting car for Modified Nationals.
Thanks again to our boy Rich for covering this event. To check out rest of the photos, click here
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