So I'm back again with some coverage to share with you guys today. I know the blog has been quiet these days, but that's because I've been studying almost every single day and was not active during this past 1~2 months. Last week was also Wekfest in San Francisco, the biggest car show in California, and everyone that I know of was preparing for the show, so SoCal was pretty dam quiet. All I saw on Facebook were updates regarding Wekfest and it was killing me because I couldn't attend it! There were some priorities I needed to take care of, so sorry guys for not being able to cover Wekfest :/ I'll keep you guys updated on facebook with all the coverages on the event once I take a look at them, but so far, I haven't seen any other than MotorMavens.
While not trying to think about Wekfest SF and seeing if any other event or meet was happening in SoCal, I realized BP VIP was having another meet at the place where they had it last time. It was definitely one of those meets I didn't expect a big turnout because of Wekfest, but I wanted to meet up with my friends and check out some rides.
Surprisingly, a lot of well-known SoCal VIP attended. I'm sure BP VIP could've gone full force to SF, but they decided to let it go this year and just have their own meet.
What I really like about car meets is not knowing what kind of cars will show up. It's really unexpected because some rides come out of no where. According to some blogs, this IS is known to be the 'lowest' in SoCal and I actually saw it at Lexus The Pursuit meet last year when it was on Rotiforms.
I saw this sticker on a xB and thought it was pretty cool. Anyone know what it means?
Seems like this LS was waiting for its wheels.
One of my favorites GSs in SoCal. This Junction Produce GS was temporarily rolling on BBS LMs in the front.
Charles brought out his "LOL BAGS" Q. He also owns a Lexus LS460. Yeap, he's a balla!
I couldn't take my eyes off this SC when I saw it at HIN. More photos of it later on.
Loving the stance on Tony and the LS.
Ouf! Sick ass Infiniti M chilling at the corner.
Look who decided to show up! PapaBear!
Steve's sexy ride getting a suntan.
and his crazy dished wheels.
Royal Flush decided to show up. Where were you Ray?
Guess the car.
*hint hint*
Mike Vo's Job Design GS, now on the Phantom Cup Kit.
Another shot of that Junction Produce GS.
Royal Flush and other peepz checking out rides.
Back to that SC I showed you guys earlier, I think it's the only SC430 in CA on a full authentic Artisan Spirits kit + exhaust. $$$$$$$$ O yea~ It was featured in Super Street :)
Michael Eaddy's GS on the JP Vizage kit. I expressed my favoritism on this ride in my Import Showcase coverage.
Even this kid liked it.
EK with the Isuzu front from Royal Flush. Something about BBS RSs with Gold rivets... <3
Didn't know it was static! You can't go wrong with fully polished Work Equips.
Enjoying the rides.
Uh oh~~~~ Chris's oni-cambered GS rolling in.
I have to give mad props to Chris because considering the shitty road conditions in Calfornia, he still decided to go with this style and daily drives it. I the fuk can you drive like this every single day.. (-_-;)
Much love brotha!
You know this Stylish IS? I do. If you don't, click here.
What do you know about camber?
How sexy is this rear end of Mike Vo's Job Design GS. He was talking about how people said his ride was flawless, but after getting rear-ended, he said it wasn't flawless anymore. I lol'd.
Another Job Design GS, but a different year, parked right next to Mike's car.
Aimgain Q from 3T Motorsports now on one of my favorite wheels, Weds Kranze Vishunus.
I saw this Lexus RX last year and never knew it was on a Wald kit. Actually, I didn't even know Wald made a kit for this model. Either way, it was definitely unique.
Wes's SC now on Leon Harditts. I thought he sold his car, but he's planning to keep it and fix it up even more later on.
I'll end this short coverage with this awesome moment. Have a great week guys!
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