Most of the JDM car owners know about Password:JDM and their high quality products specifically made for JDM cars. Starting from the year 2002 and gradually building up its fame in their products, their reputation is among one of the best from all of the aftermarket companies that exist today.
Password:JDM's garage sale is one of the biggest events, such as Greddy and T-Tein, but after resting for a year without the sale last year and opening it again after two years, the turnout wasn't that great.
However, there were some people who dropped by to buy some products and obviously, check out the companies staff and project cars.
One of the staff's ride. Loved the wheels and drop. But seriously, almost all the NSX's I've seen so far were more than looking good.
Line of S2k's, also owned by the staffs. All of of them were highly modded, but the one at the left was very unique...
Check out the bottom being covered with carbon fiber. That's something you don't see a lot on cars.
This was my first time ever seeing a modded CR-Z. The Password:JDM's CR-Z had a spoon exhaust, coilovers, Mugen MF10 wheels, and much more.
Products by the company. All of their products are made in the U.S. and the manufacturer is located right down the street. If it's not labeled Password:JDM, you got the wrong stuff!
CF Engine Cover and some custom washers made by the company as well.
I've never seen this IS before. Definitely on air and it was CLEAN!
After checking out some cars, I went into the warehouse to see what was in store.
Both RHD, Civic Type-R Hatchback and a Acura Type-S, straight from Japan.
Highly modified cars inside and outside.
and another car still in project.
Almost everything was on sale but not too crazy. The Benz on the rack is owned by the owner of Password:JDM and it's getting ready for SEMA.
This GT-R is pretty darn crazy. The passenger seats are made in carbon fiber and in between is a Bose stereo system. Right under the pedals has a carbon fiber product and the door sills are made in carbon fiber as well.
Some other rides at the event.
I talked with the photographer of the company and he told me more about their CF lines; Tecnocraft. It's the same line as Password:JDM but for high-end cars, such as Porsche, Lambos, Ferrari's, etc.
That's about it guys. The place was blank and not a lot of photos were taken. But make sure to check out the company because their products are very reliable.
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