As always, Rich brings us fresh coverage's, no matter how big or small the meets are, from the UK. It's always difficult to work for multiple sites, but I always thank Rich for representing Night-Import. Now getting back to our coverage content, we all know by now that UK is pretty big with nightly cruises and most of the upcoming cruise infos can be found at UKcarcuise. This cruise, however, had a special purpose, which was to raise money for the Army of Angels. It's something like these events that bring the automotive enthusiasts together. Rich and his Fast-N-Modded staffs had a convoy to the location and the overall turnout was amazing. By the way, it wasn't only a single convoy going on, but happened at several locations.
White on White can never go wrong.
Look who made an appearance? Modified National's promo car, which was featured on our site a few weeks ago.
Our exclusive feature on this ride was done when the body was clean, but b/c of promotional purposes, there are decals representing the sponsors.
I spot a Wheel-Whores sticker on the window.
One heck of a color. Love it!
Very classic.
Nicely fitted Miata.
Seems like Rich's s2k. New wheels soon!
Don't try this at home.
Check out Rich's own coverage on Fast-N-Modded. Thanks Rich for representing! Woot!
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