It's been almost a week now since the third Sideway Sundays event happened at Irwindale Speedway. If you have no clue on what this event is about, I suggest you to visit Sideway Sundays fanpage for detailed information.
First of all, my bad on the lag with the coverage. There are still a few event coverage and features I'll need to post up, but because I didn't want all you Sideway Sundays participants to think we bailed out, I caught up with other minor things and finally decided to write up this coverage today, but there are more reasons on the wait, which will be explained later on.
All in honesty, unlike the past two Sideway Sundays event held on March 20th and May 1st, the feedback from this past weeks Sideway Sundays was not so pleasing to read, which is why I wanted to wait a bit so that everyone had an opportunity to voice their opinions about the event, but this issue will be explained more in Part 2.
I was responsible in promoting this event on various forums and on facebook, so if you saw 'night87' on your forum, that was me. Old to new information were listed on the forums and I only update new information after receiving it from the organization/staffs, so please read through the original post. Because the Car Show section did not have any complaints, today's Part 1 coverage will only cover the Car Show area and Part 2 will be about the most debated issue as of still today, drifting. Well let's get on with how everything went on in the morning.

Arriving around at 7:50am, there were already tons of cars lined up in front of the gate.

Sideway Sundays is being known for the Drifting competition, so a bunch of drifters came with their rides. I heard some complaints about the gate not opening on time and it seems like there was a 10~15 minute delay.

Drifting participants getting ready.

This is where the Car Show happened. I was a bit disappointed with the amount of cars, but it was much better than last months event.

I'm sure this Cressida was built to drift, but the owner decided to show rather than drift.

Norman with his SR20 S13.

Look what we have here. A Skyline R32.

Probably a car I would consider buying before I die.

Stance IS.

I was a bit worried when it started to rain for like 5 minutes, but the turnout was getting much better.

Not immaculate, but good to see a classic Celica ST.

Jesse planned on to just show, but later on decided to drift with the other drifting participants. I didn't actually get to see him drift, but his S14 was looking good with the new shoes.

A staff from K.R.O.P.S. (Keep Racing Off Public Streets). I saw a video they recorded from Adams Motorsports Drift Thursdays and it was pretty dam good. Check these guys out to see what's up.

A good friend of mine, Maggie, took this photo and it came out pretty good because my shirt was showing. Our staff t-shirts sponsored by Stage 2 Clothing.

626 Drift Crew came to the event pretty deep. You'll be seeing more of their cars in our Part 2 coverage.

Pray For Japan and Love Maggie.

There's the Car Show crowd. Not too shabby.

Now to some individual car shots, starting it off with the Celica ST we saw earlier.

Still wondering why this beauty didn't participate in the drifting competition -_-

Luigi's S2000 on custom BBS LMs done by Wright Wheels.

Kevin saying sup to Night-Import.

Good to see the guys at InfestForum making it out to this event.

Aggressively fitted S13.

I've seen this beauty a few times at the 626 meet and really liked the overall execution.

Fitted BMWs look really good.

Another shot of the crowd.

You guys remember Thao? I've posted a few pics of her working on her own car and the photos were blasting around the internet. Well there she is in her EK.

Not too many Evo Xs on Enkei RPF1s.

RJ from Cars X Hype.

Mikee from JDM Glam got some new shoes for his VW.

We all know this car...right? Do-Luck Widebody Evo 9.

Drifting session begins!!! But~~~ wait until Part 2.

Not a huge fan of DUB cars, but I'm always amazed with these huge ass rims.

JDM Sport!

Eric's Celica, repping Geisha Events.

Kevin's Vinyl'd out xB.

Clutch Master brought out their widebody M3.

Rehvclothing.com made it out to the event.

SUVs with lambo doors...interesting.

I ❤ NOS.

Norman's sexy ride~! Sorry for leaving a bit early homie!

Those lines...

Few rides that rolled in earlier.

Good to see this FC again. You won't see too many FCs with a RE Amemiya body kit.

Next up, I'll be covering the drifting session as promised. Stay tuned.
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