I can't believe it's already been a year since my first time to Nisei last year. Probably that was one of the first events I've covered for Just Stance and I remember it to be hot as fu**, but filled with top notch cars from California and even a few from out of states. From what I've heard through friends who've been into the car scene for quite a long time, Nisei Showoff Car Show has a history of throwing the best car event in Los Angeles, CA.
If you didn't know, Nisei is a Japanese Festival happening in Little Tokyo of Los Angeles and this was their 7th annual event. Within this 1 week festival, the Car Show happens right across where all the festivities happen, so it's basically a win-win for both sides. If you are hungry, walk across and grab yourself some JDM food and to walk off those calories, walk back to the Car Show area and check out some cars.
I was expecting this years Nisei Car Show to be as big as last year and because I have a site that lets all of our staffs eligible to apply for Media (not being cocky at all), I sent an e-mail last week and we got approved. I called up 1013MM who covers a lot of events and feature contents for Canibeat to see what time he was planning to go. We arrived at around 10:30am, 30 minutes before the actual event started and was expecting an early access. Now before some of you guys start bashing on me because I said 'early access', you guys need to understand photographers who work for automotive sites actually 'work' at car shows rather than chilling the whole time, so we do need some extra time before an event, especially ones that are known world-wide like Nisei Showoff. That's why for all of those who don't live in the States get to see photos of the whole car rather than photos of only the front bumper and rest of it being covered by people.
1013mm and I asked the security guard if we could get in a bit early, but after he talked with the host or staff, our access got denied. We were a bit disappointed, but waited. In a few minutes, a crowd was building up in front of the entrance. Waiting would not have been a big deal if the staffs were more organized and kept everything on time, but what sort of pissed me off was seeing the host (I'm speculating it was him) or a staff letting all of their friends of friends get in. They were clearly aware of Media applicants waiting, but seems like it wasn't an issue to consider.
What do I think about this? Not good of course. I don't know the host nor staffs and some of you guys who are friends of the organization might dislike me for writing my own opinion, but I'm being straight up and telling the truth. To all future event hosts and staffs, be fair with what goes on inside and outside of an event.

I don't want to keep talking shit, so let's go on with the actual event, shall we?

Spotted my friend DAVIDIZRAILOV|Photography doing his thing. He's been stepping up big time with his skills so don't forget to check out his site.

It's been awhile since I saw JPUSA at an event.

The setup was pretty similar to last years event.

Back to the JP booth, exotic cars were on display.

Soarer from last year's Ken Block's Gymkhana Invitational.

I remember these classics from last year.

Never tired of seeing this IS.

Now to some cars The Chronicles brought out.

Loving the color scheme and Mugen wheels.

Spoon'd out.

I didn't notice until yesterday, the Volks on Big Mike's Prelude went through a color change.

Always enjoying the great content by The Chronicles. I spot Norman at the right with his kid.

I showed you guys some photos on this S2000 in our Wekfest coverage. Aggressive, unique, and dam sexy.

I love this setup and so did you guys when I posted a photo of it on our fanpage.

Most of the rides from The Chronicles line up were fresh to me because I didn't get to see some in depth before. I would say these Hondas are really incomparable to the ones I've seen at meets or small events. Thumbs up to all the owners of these beauties.

Carbon Fiber covered Si displayed in front of ASR.

It's JDM yO! brought out some sick ass rides like always and because they are now a team with 1UP, the amount of cars these guys will bring out to shows will be pretty crazy.

AE86 I've seen numerous times, but never get tired of seeing.

Made by JDM Sport.

Wheelflip also brought out a line of show cars. For all your refurbishing wheel needs, hit these guys up. That seems like Vincent at the bottom..

An example of what these guys can do.

This newly done classic EWING set was absolutely stunning.

Mugen CR-Z?

Never seen this Rx-8 before, but it had the fitment and wheels.

Vincent's ride so I'm guessing that was Vincent before.

That lip to fender fitment in the rear looks so dam sexy!

Clean! without the decals in front. Wondering how the owner can drive with all those decals blocking his view.

Wanted to do a Random Spotlight on this Celica GT, but I'll wait until JCCS.

I believe this was a Rally car, but not sure on whose it was.

This Holden Monaro CV8Z was built to impress.

Rides from J2G.

Widebody CR-Z and 911 from Donlyson Auto Concepts.

Not so many VIP rides from Platinum VIP, but ones that I really favor.
Think that's good enough for today, so I'll continue on with Pt. 2 tomorrow.
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