Event Coverage: House of Drift III

September 25, 2010

House of Drift -7_1

*Seems like I made a lot of mistakes identifying the cars that were at the event. Please leave a comment and corrections will be made. Seeing this event the 2nd time and not going to a lot of drift events, I don't know how people judge a "good" drift run. I wrote my OWN opinion, so please do not go crazy about how good or bad they were :)

If you guys catched up with some events I've been going to, 'House of Dirft' should sound familiar. It's an event for all levels, starters to pros, to drift like crazy at Irwindale Speedway. This one was the last drifting event for the year so a lot of people showed up. Like always, NOS was there and also King Taco (IMO, best taco's in LA).
Turn out was better than last time, but that was only the amount of people that came to spectate. The drifters that came yesterday weren't as good as before, but it was still entertaining. I heard a Mustang crashed into one of the walls before I went with my friend, so hope that drifter's ok.
Because I arrived when the sun was down, taking drifting shots was very difficult. So I focused on the cars that actually came to the event.

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AE getting ready to drift on some orangeopink wheels. He was pretty good.

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I've seen that Silviacressida behind the AE at couple of events. Hmmm...think he came to FckYourCrew's Cruise..

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Photographer and one of the staffs inside the pit. Once I get my equipments, I'm gonna go in there for sure.

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Pretty dark now and cars getting ready to go crazyyyyyyyyy

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This R33 or 34 was the shietttttttttttttttt
He definitely knew what he was doing and the sound of it was a m a z i n g.
IMO, one of the best drifters at the event.

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No bumper~ ahhhhhhhh

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Another shot of the Skyline. Dam it's sexy...

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Bunch of Nissan's at the event, same as last time.

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I'm pretty sure this Miata had an engine swap. Didn't sound like a regular Miata. He was really good and the car drifted really well. I would say he was one of the best as well.

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Those mesh SSR's are just pure sexy...Love it! Seen at least one car with those wheels at every event and I'm starting to like them a lot.

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Tokyo Drift style, 'wsup girls? like my ride?'

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Professional drifter at the event. Nothing much to say about this guy because he was good.

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Volvo with some autozone neon lights. :D It was a change to see such a car drift. Not that bad as an amateur.

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If I had money right now and had a chance to buy a used drift car, I would go for a Silvia..seriously..

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Now you see why? this car says 'sex' from top to bottom, left to right.

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Most of the drifters had a passenger with them. As much as I want to drift a car, I want to be a passenger as well. Heard it's pretty darn cool.

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O~ hello~?

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Only 2 Z's at the event...

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and this one was f'in LOUDDDDDDDD..DAM LOUDDDD
The LOUDEST car at the event. I can't keep emphasizing how loud it was because seriously, it was loud.

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GT-S ready to go!

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"so I drifted this dude and he flew off the cliff!".."o really?"

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Before I left, saw this SEXY old school car. Reminds me of some pics that I saw for JCCS.

Good turn out and I enjoyed it a lot. It's always good to go to an event that's different. This event was the last one for this year, so until next year~


Nieko said... [Reply to comment]

You should probably learn your cars a little brooo....

That Sivlia you keep referring to, is a Cressida with the JDM chaser front end....

Not a silvia at all lol

Will said... [Reply to comment]

I was worse before and seeing these car from far behind was a bit hard haha. thx for the correction :)

Elite AutoSports said... [Reply to comment]

Good coverage. Yeah that 350Z was loud but damn good

Anonymous said... [Reply to comment]

im pretty sure that aint a volvo man its a cressida

Will said... [Reply to comment]

@aLvin tHaii
correction made! thx :D

hamburg said... [Reply to comment]

any action shots?

Will said... [Reply to comment]

Action shots were pretty hard to take because of small lighting and non professional equipment. I'll try to take better drift shots later on at different drift events :)

Nieko said... [Reply to comment]

BROO! you should seriously delete all of these captions....


The white corolla had PINK wheels.

The white car behind the corolla is a CRESSIDA!

The red boxy thing IS a volvo, you were right the first time.....

foh9ptchg9er n98lohrndpfoghnedf

such much rage reading all this

Will said... [Reply to comment]

opinions are opinions. When i saw some runs going on, the r33 was pretty good. fixed the pink wheels. striked out the silvia to fixed to cressida. you could see that some people had some confusion with the 'red boxy thing' as being a volve or something else. no rage needs to be brought up here. learning by going to events and if there are corrections to be made, then it will be done :)

Jeff Abbott said... [Reply to comment]

Thanks for the coverage. It is nice to see the grassroots being covered like this..

Will said... [Reply to comment]

@Jeff Abbottnp man. thought it was a great turnout

RJ said... [Reply to comment]

you should watch initial d Will .. it should let you be familiar of japanese cars whitin a couple of episodes.. lol

Anonymous said... [Reply to comment]

The R33 skyline was out there for a shake down run. It was haveing power issues dropping out it turns. Thats why it spun a lot. The driver is a D1 pro and Formula D licensed driver. Plus that course is way too small for that car. Overall it was a fun event.

driftboxR33 said... [Reply to comment]

Thanks for the nice comments about my r33 skyline Will. Hit me up at the next event when were inside the oval and I will take you out for some runs. Thanks Ed.

Unknown said... [Reply to comment]

Awesome looking hachi

Anonymous said... [Reply to comment]

Wow. Please stop covering events unless you learn how to use proper grammar. Oh, and you need figure out what a Silvia is! I didn't know they came with 4 doors? The R33 was probably one of the worst drivers there. Burnout, burnout, burnout, SPIN OUT! LOL.

Will said... [Reply to comment]

If you read some of my replies and the beginning quote, I'm new to the drifting scene and identifying cars, so I'm not as educated yet like you. The grammer part you mentioned, I'm going to take more time proofreading my posts rather than posting them up after reading it once. Thx for the comment and visiting the site :)

Will said... [Reply to comment]

By the way, you were talking about grammer and I just wanted to fix your sentence.. it's "Oh, and you need TO figure out.." not "Oh, and you need figure out.." :) Just saying~

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